Ctrl – Job – Alt

Aim is to empower 35 young people between 18-25 years old (5 participants per country incl leader, who can be older) from Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, France and Slovakia, to enter labor market, help them to gain self-confidence and find together alternative ways to find for the jobs or create or find their dream job. To promote volunteering, culture of participation, personal, professional and responsible development as well as active citizenship in Europe. Youth exchange objectives is to focus on helping youngsters to identify their skills and competences (desires and motivations) in order for them to plan for careers rather than jobs which will simply pay the bills. We hope to empower young people to identify their skills and talents and to plan for their careers while understanding the needs of the labour markets and making sure they find a solid standing in their labour markets with a long-lasting career that can offer them a more secure future. Job search network created during the youth exchange will be supportive ongoing tool, which will keep participants active in their career in the future.
Youth exchange will take place in Nitra (Hotel in city center) and will last for 8 days (7 – 14 September 2018)
Activities held during youth exchange:
- Meeting in “traditional job fair”
- World café: Traditional ways of job searching
- Seminar: Wants and Needs in a grid
- Workshop: Selling yourself
- Workshop: Become a evaluator/employer
- Visit to local entrepreneur
- Discussion: Alternative (Smarter) ways to find a job
- Seminar Youthpass & job search
- Workshop: How to Build Your Job Search (Career) Network
Besides that – sharing of practices of youth active in job search , diverse workshops, role-playing,
discussions about innovative ways and ideas of finding job, intercultural nights and so on
Countries involved: Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, France, Slovakia
Would you like to help us? We are looking for volunteers! otislovakia@gmail.com