Located in Slovakia, OTI is providing a unique opportunity for youth in the area to broaden their horizons through hiking events, sport activities and other outdoor pursuits. OTI encourages youth to be proactive and explore different cultural events and experiences through their non-formal and formal education offerings. By engaging students with different activities, the organization helps foster an understanding of the world from a local level and provides those with fewer opportunities an avenue to participate in activities such as outdoor volunteering, workshops, discussions and competitions. Whether it’s hiking through the breathtaking Slovakian terrain or immersing oneself in culture by attending screenings and competitions, OTI Slovakia provides a rich learning experience for youth.

OTI Slovakia is a registered hiking club of umbrella association The Slovak Tourist Club (Klub slovenských turistov – KST). KST was established in 1990 and continued the activities of tourist organizations established in previous periods. KST has more than 22 000 members. KST is one of the largest organizations in Slovakia in the field of sports, tourism and leisure.